Dancer code of conduct

Dancer code of conduct

Dancer code
of conduct

Only water, in a sealed container, is allowed in the studios.
No food or gum please. Snacks can be kept in your dance bag.

Only water, in a sealed container, is allowed in the studios.
No food or gum please. Snacks can be kept in your dance bag.

Only water, in a sealed container, is allowed in the studios. No food or gum please. Snacks can be kept in your dance bag.

Follow the appropriate dress code for the class you’re attending.
This includes wearing the proper shoes and hair requirements. 

Follow the appropriate dress code for the class you’re attending.
This includes wearing the proper shoes and hair requirements. 

Follow the appropriate dress code for the class you’re attending. This includes wearing the proper shoes and hair requirements. 

Please arrive on time and dressed for class.
If you need time to change make sure you arrive early.

Please arrive on time and dressed for class.
If you need time to change make sure you arrive early.

Please arrive on time and dressed for class. If you need time to change make sure you arrive early.

If you do arrive early and enter the studio you may stretch quietly. Please do not run around, practice acro skills, or do anything that could cause injury to yourself or others. 

If you do arrive early and enter the studio you may stretch quietly. Please do not run around, practice acro skills, or do anything that could cause injury to yourself or others. 

If you do arrive early and enter the studio you may stretch quietly. Please do not run around, practice acro skills, or do anything that could cause injury to yourself or others. 

Dancers who arrive late will not get to join in without first warming up on their own. It is unsafe for all dancers to jump in without stretching and preparing for class. 

Dancers who arrive late will not get to join in without first warming up on their own. It is unsafe for all dancers to jump in without stretching and preparing for class. 

Dancers who arrive late will not get to join in without first warming up on their own. It is unsafe for all dancers to jump in without stretching and preparing for class. 

Students should try their best to have a positive attitude during class. We all have bad days but we don’t want it to affect the class as a whole. Everyone should be treated with respect and kindness. This applies to teachers and students alike.

Students should try their best to have a positive attitude during class. We all have bad days but we don’t want it to affect the class as a whole. Everyone should be treated with respect and kindness. This applies to teachers and students alike.

Students should try their best to have a positive attitude during class. We all have bad days but we don’t want it to affect the class as a whole. Everyone should be treated with respect and kindness. This applies to teachers and students alike.

Use the restroom before class starts if possible. Should you need to take a restroom break during class, try to wait until there’s a drink break or transition in activities. 

Use the restroom before class starts if possible. Should you need to take a restroom break during class, try to wait until there’s a drink break or transition in activities. 

Use the restroom before class starts if possible. Should you need to take a restroom break during class, try to wait until there’s a drink break or transition in activities. 

Inappropriate classroom behavior such as correcting other dancers, excessive talking, disrespecting the teacher or the other dancers, sitting down in class, doing acro tricks, or goofing off will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate classroom behavior such as correcting other dancers, excessive talking, disrespecting the teacher or the other dancers, sitting down in class, doing acro tricks, or goofing off will not be tolerated.

Inappropriate classroom behavior such as correcting other dancers, excessive talking, disrespecting the teacher or the other dancers, sitting down in class, doing acro tricks, or goofing off will not be tolerated.

Use your class time wisely! You only have that class once a week, so make the most of it by giving your full attention, taking corrections, marking choreography or practicing when it is not your turn, and always trying your best! 

Use your class time wisely! You only have that class once a week, so make the most of it by giving your full attention, taking corrections, marking choreography or practicing when it is not your turn, and always trying your best! 

Use your class time wisely! You only have that class once a week, so make the most of it by giving your full attention, taking corrections, marking choreography or practicing when it is not your turn, and always trying your best! 

At the end of class, thank your teacher. It is a sign of respect in dance class to thank the teacher for passing on their knowledge and helping you grow as a dancer. 

At the end of class, thank your teacher. It is a sign of respect in dance class to thank the teacher for passing on their knowledge and helping you grow as a dancer. 

At the end of class, thank your teacher. It is a sign of respect in dance class to thank the teacher for passing on their knowledge and helping you grow as a dancer. 

Cell phones are not allowed in class unless specifically stated by the teacher. Please leave cell phones in your dance bag and silence them so they do not disturb anyone.  

Cell phones are not allowed in class unless specifically stated by the teacher. Please leave cell phones in your dance bag and silence them so they do not disturb anyone.  

Cell phones are not allowed in class unless specifically stated by the teacher. Please leave cell phones in your dance bag and silence them so they do not disturb anyone.  

Dancers should follow the social media guidelines (listed on the Policies Page).

Dancers should follow the social media guidelines (listed on the Policies Page).

Dancers should follow the social media guidelines (listed on the Policies Page).

Repeatedly violating this code of conduct or being disrespectful to teachers or students could result in suspension or removal from classes at the discretion of the instructor.

Repeatedly violating this code of conduct or being disrespectful to teachers or students could result in suspension or removal from classes at the discretion of the instructor.

Repeatedly violating this code of conduct or being disrespectful to teachers or students could result in suspension or removal from classes at the discretion of the instructor.

Make Momentum your studio today.

Make Momentum
your studio today.

Make Momentum
your studio today.